Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Survey #142

Isn't it great to be alive?
I don't know anything else.

What's on your mind?

What were you doing right before you logged into Myspace?
Getting my laundry.

Are you jealous of someone right now?
No one in particular.

Do you have any secrets that no one knows?

What did you go to bed thinking about last night?

Could you ever be friends with someone who badly hurt you?
I can manage.

What do you really want right now?
I feel like hell, man.

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with the letter W?

Do you still love the same person from five months ago?
I'm not sure I was in love five months ago.

When was the last time you were sick?
I feel really dizzy and weak.

Do you have a piggy bank that's actually shaped like a pig?
I want one.

Who was the last female you hugged?
I'm not sure.

Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you talked to in person?

Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
Why would you hide empty bottles?

Did you talk to a complete jerk today?
I like people.

Did you ever waste too much time on a certain guy?

Has anyone called you perfect before?
He does.

Are you good at hiding your feelings?

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
I'm not sure.

How long have you known the people on your top?
I was in kindergarten, first grade.

When was the last time you went to the mall?

What are you listening to?
I hear my dryer.

Do you believe exes should have second chances?
I didn't believe in second chances until now.

Have you ever had a best friend?
His name is Trey.

What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?
That'd be terrible, but seeing as you can't get pregnant from kisses...

Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else's?

Have you ever kissed someone you weren't in a relationship with?
Of course.

Do you believe in forever?
I don't know that there is an afterlife.

What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
I couldn't decide if I should go through with my plan.

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