Saturday, May 16, 2009

Survey #132

If you married the last person that called you, what would be your last name?

If you married the last person you messaged, what would be your last name?

Are any of your texts in your inbox locked and why?
No, because nothing anyone says is really that important.

How many cell phones have you had in your life?

Did you go to bed smiling last night?
I was slightly upset.

What was the last drink you had?
My first soda in ages.
I've been craving it.

Are you missing someone?
I always do.

If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
I wouldn't.
Now is fine.

Are you the youngest person living in your house?

Do you and your best friend look anything alike?
I've read you're attracted to people whom you resemble.

Gummy bears or gummy worms?
Gelatin free gummy worms.

Got anything you wanna say to anyone?
I'm fine, thanks.

Is anything bothering you right now?
There's always something.

If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type?
I don't look at the keyboard to type.

Do you have a bad temper?
I'm attempting to solve that.

What is one thing you spend way too much money on?
Energy drinks, gum, and coffee.

Do you believe that there's good in everybody?
It's just a bit deeper down in some.

Did anything special happen today?
I met Trey's father. He, Trey's step father, Trey, and I all enjoyed a movie together.

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?

How long was your last phone call?
A minute, tops.
"Hello, uhm, you can, err, come get me now."

Are promises important to you?

What were you doing at 7am?
I was asleep.

What's on your mind?

Does anyone have feelings for you?
It's True That We Love One Another.

Figured anything out lately?
Maybe, it isn't always my fault.

What are you going to do after this?
I really ought to sleep.

How many tattoos do you have?

What is something you do a lot?
I sigh excessively.

Are you hungry?
I'm disgusted with myself.

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
I'm not, actually.

Where are you right now?

Where was the last place you went besides where you are?

Do you speak any other language?
Not fluently.

How many times have you cried today?
I haven't.

Do you listen to music when you're down?

What did you do last night?
Absolutely nothing.

Who did you last tell a secret to?
I tell Trey my innermost thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, my wishes.

Do you smoke?
Only when I'm on fire.

Have you met your celebrity crush yet?
I don't quite have one.

Do you know anyone who has taken someone else's life?

Are you an only child?

What was the last movie you saw?
Star Trek.

Are you afraid of the dark?
Not the dark itself, no, but what may lurk beyond it.

Do you have any pets that are bigger than a kitten?
I don't have any pets, period.

Are you considered a loner?
That's a matter of opinion.

What are you doing tonight?
Night's over.

Are you addicted to anything unhealthy?

Are you a vegetarian?
Yeah, actually.
It'll be a year in June.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
I'm not even sure.

Can you handle personal questions?

How often do you curse?
Far too often.

Do you have any piercings?

Can you handle extreme sour candy?
I love it.

Who is your escape?
I only tell Trey things.

Do you give seconds chances easily?
Too easily.

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