Friday, April 17, 2009

Survey #98

Do you have any condoms in your room?
I haven't a reason for any.

Would you ever let a boyfriend put you through hell and back?
I have.

Do you think the last guy you kissed cares for you?
I would hope so.

What are you excited for?
Well, I can tell you what I'm *not* excited for...

Who is the first person you would call if you needed help?
It really depends on what I need help with.

Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?
They have. Let's see if they mean it.

Who was the first person to break your heart?
You have to fall in love, first.

Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
People in general.

Do you get distracted easily?

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
I don't have high hopes.

What do you think about your parents?
They're ridiculous.

Any plans for tomorrow?
Trey and I need to do something. We haven't in quite awhile.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
There is.

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Eating pizza.
Mommy said so, in her note.

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Not quite.

Is there anyone that hates you right now?
Does it matter?

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?

Who did you last pinky promise with?
Oh gosh.
I don't remember.

Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?
Yes, please.

Do you believe in perfect?
I am a Christian.

What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
I felt terrible.

Are there certain things that can't be joked about with you?

Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
Lord, yes, and they all ought to stop.

Do you believe in karma?
What goes around, comes around.

Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair?
Not in quite awhile, actually.

Are you keeping a secret right now?

What if you had a baby with the last person you texted?
I don't know that Amanda wants my babies.

Is your hair longer than your shoulders?

Do you think your ex will ever want to be with you again?
I know he won't, ever, and truthfully? I prefer it this way.

Have you ever been in love?
Been implies past tense.

What is something you disliked about today?
I turned blue, and Miss Lane laughed!

Do you wish someone would call you?
It'd be nice to hear his voice, but I know he's busy right now, so I'll just have to manage without him.

Can you walk into a room full of strangers and maintain your confidence?
What confidence?
I'm quite good at *faking,* though.

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
I just was.

Status of you and the last person to send you a text?
He's my lover. :D

Is your sister a slut?
I don't have a sister.

Does the last person you kissed have a tattoo?
No, he doesn't.

Will you be in a relationship in the next month?
I hope.

Is the last person you kissed and the next person you'll kiss the same?

When was the last time you had butterflies?
I have never possessed a butterfly.

What do you currently hear?
The washing machine, and my parents' screams.

When was the last time you talked to one of your friends?
Few minutes ago, I talked to my most favorite person in the entire world.

Where will you be in an hour?
Getting ready for ARTE.

Who was the first person you talked to today?
Mother, dear.

Did you ever see the movie Pearl Harbor?

Who was the last person you rode in a car with?

Are you wearing jeans right now?
I am.

Your favorite thing to drink on a hot summer day?
Water. Lemonade. Iced tea. Diet soda.

Where is the next far off place you will travel?
I don't need a picnic on the moon.

Who was the last person or people you ate with?
I'm eating with myself.

What made you happy today?
Treyyy. :D

Do you like meeting new people?

How's your heart lately?

How do you feel about school?
It passes the time.

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Bon Ton.

When was the last time you cried?
I cry without tears now.

Has today been a good day?
Decent enough.

Would you rather be mad or sad?
I would rather be broke, because broke can be fixed.

When's your birthday?
August 28th.

Have you ever woken up next to someone and were freaked out?
I woke up on Emily's floor, with Emily, and spazzed, but it wasn't because I woke up on the floor, with Emily. It was because I thought I had a heart attack.
..I think I may've hiccuped.

How many times do you talk on the phone a day on average?
A few, if that.

Do you usually have weird dreams?
I do.

Do you like your bed?
I want a water bed.

What are you very disappointed in right now?
The world and its flaws.

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
I do believe so.
I mean, I must've, at some point..

How long does it take you to shower?
About half an hour.

Is the last person you hugged older than you?
Amanda? Quite.

Has anyone gotten on your nerves lately?
Ohhh yes.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?

Where did you last fall asleep other than your bed?
I was close to it today in home ec.

What type of day are you having?
The Friday variety.

Was there anyone who "made your day"?
The same person who does so daily.

Have you ever eaten a bug?
Not intentionally.

How many pets do you have?
I don't.

What kind of toothpaste do you use?
The dentist gave me Spongebob kind!

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Her name is Lambie.

Are you on any type of drugs?
I'm on many kinds of drugs.
I can’t see and I can’t breathe and I can’t stay and I can’t leave.

Are you in love?
Something like that.

Have you ever been in love?
See above.

Do you even believe in love?
I didn't used to.

How many things are you really thinking about right now?
You honestly expect me to count?

Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today?
I guess so, yeah.

Have you finished school yet?
I'm in junior high. -_-

What's your father's middle name?

Are you waiting for anything?
Why waste your time; don't sit around and wait.

What song did you last listen to?
I was listening to some White Stripes on the bus.

What movie is in your DVD player?

How many windows are open on your computer?
Two windows, eight tabs.

Are you a very stressed out person?

How old is your mom?

Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper?
Not to my knowledge.

Are you single?

Where do you live?
Nowhere special.

Do you ever watch Bold and the Beautiful?
...I don't know what that is.
Sounds like a soap.

Do you sometimes watch the news?

Have you ever seen a UFO?

Do you watch football Sundays?
Not often.

What are your thoughts on Disney Channel?
Do go on and die, please.

Do you think weed is bad?
I don't do plants.

Do you smoke it or have you?

Do you ever want to get married?
It's that, or die a virgin.
I suppose throwing away my faith is a third option, but I doubt that'll happen.

Do you like animals?
Very much so.
The cute little critters do not pass by my lips.

Do you like High School Musical?
I..hate it.

Are the Jonas Brothers cute?

Do you watch TV a lot?
Hardly ever.

Are you afraid of the dark?

Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?
I know he won't.

Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Hope so.

Does your ex hate you?
It's fine.

What are you mad about right now?
I want to sleep, not go do a show.

What does the last text message you received say?
Cute things, from my darling. :D

What song lyric, if any, is stuck in your head at the moment?
You're the only girl I love
I'm on many kinds of drugs
I can't see and I can't breathe and I can't stay and I can't leave
If it's good let's take it slow
Baby, I'm a fucking joke
and if I can I'll do my best and do it right regardless of this
Brad Sucks♥

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a T?
I always feel special when that's the letter in these questions. :D

What if your ex shows up at your door?
I'd scream about the apocalypse, and then think to ask what it is he needs.

Who’s the 4th person under B in your contacts?

Does anyone have a heart next to their name?
Haa. Maybe.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Definitely warm.

Lose a best friend lately?

Have you told anybody you loved them today?
Yes yes yes.

Are you okay with your boyfriend being friends with an ex?
I trust him.

Are you a jealous person?
I pretend I'm not.

Are you excited about anything?

Do you think that you’re a good person?
I'm terrible.

Who was the last message you received on Myspace sent by?

And comment?
This band that mia madre waited on at work.
I was jealous.

Have you known any of your friends for most of your life?
Kindergarten? Preschool?

Last person you talked to?

What are you stressing out over?

Have you spoke to anyone on the phone today?

What are you doing tonight?

Who was the last person to sit on your bed?

What were you doing at 3:10 yesterday?
Sitting in Lane's room.

And today?
Standing outside of Lane's room.

If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who would you pick?
Hiiim, for sure!

What were you up to at 9pm last night?
I was at the theater.

Do you have any bruises?
I do.

Who made you mad today?
I'm mad at the doctor who took my blood.
Left a nasty bruise, and they haven't even bothered to call back with the results.

How's your life lately?

What's something that always has to be in the fridge?
Milk. Spoils otherwise. :]
(Yeah, I know that's not what they meant. Shush. I hate food.)

What did you do today?

Do you have any feelings for anyone right now?
More than a feeling.

Do you eat whipped cream straight out of the can?
I put it on a spoon.

Why did you cry the last time you did?
I don't even remember.

Did you mean 'i love you' when you said it last?
I always do.

What are you looking forward to in the next 7 days?
It'll be three months Sunday.

How'd you meet the last person you were in a car with?
It was a bus.

Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
On Saturday? I highly doubt it, though I really need to go walking..

What are you listening to at the moment?
The dryer.

Who did you last get into a big argument with?
I came close to freaking out last night. I get super angsty right before a show. Sorry, guys, but seriously? You need to learn how to not mess everything up and take responsibility of your crap.

Do you have a best friend to lean on?
I trust no one.

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Leaving the cafe with Treydoll and Emily and Tiara.

What was the weather like today?
It's nice out.

Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
I bet I taste bad.

Do you drink lots of water?
I do.

Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips?
I'm lucky to be able to call him mine.

Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night?
I went to bad well past one.

How many cousins in total do you have?
Seven or eight?

Have you ever held hands with anyone?

Interested in anyone at the moment?
He's got more than just my interest.

Do you trust all of your friends?
You're funny.

Have you held hands with anybody in the past week?
It's been a bit more than a week..

When is the last time you saw your ex?
On the bus this morning.

What was going through your mind during your last kiss?
My mind reels.

Last time you cried?
It's been awhile.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a B?

Do you feel like you're wasting your time on someone?
I feel like he's wasting his time on me.
Honestly, when did I get to be this lucky? I don't deserve him one bit.

What was the funniest thing that happened today?
The Olweus meeting.
There's this thing called confidentiality.
Mrs. White obviously doesn't understand the concept.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I don't remember.

Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
My own.

Are you someone's best friend?

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
My entire body aches.

Have you spoken to your mother today?
I have.

Who was the last person you hugged?
Amanda Biel.

Have you ever thought you liked someone, and then found out that you really didn't?

Where were you earlier?

Do you have any tattoos/piercings?

Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life?
I wouldn't bother going on, without him. I'm entirely serious, too.

Do you fall for people easily?
I tend to not notice others even exist.

When was the last time you saw your number 1?
About two hours ago.

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
Feel free.

Your ex REALLY needs you at 3 am and you have a way to their house, what would you do?
Go? I'm not shallow enough to not.

Last person you blocked on Myspace?
I don't know that I have.

Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot to you?

Do your parents force you to go to church?
Quite the opposite.

Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?

What is your mood?
I'm comfortably numb.

Ever been on a motorcycle?
No, actually.

What's going on between you and the last person you kissed?
I'm his, and it's great.

Are you waiting on anyone's call right now?

What grade is the last person you kissed in?

Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning?
I know when to stop.

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with L?
Not quite.

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
I go back to sleep.

In the past 10 days have you been under the influence?
I'm happily sober.

What's one thing you want more than anything in your life?
I already have him.

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
We're quite content with one another.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?

Who will be your next kiss?

Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
..What liars.

What makes you laugh?
He can.

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