Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Survey #108

What are you listening to?
The Offspring.

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
Purity ring.

What do you have planned for tonight?
Tonight was fun..

Is the last person you kissed older than you?
He is.

Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
Actually, no.

Do you like messages or comments better?

Last movie you saw in theaters?

What was last thing you drank?

Are you happy right now?
Brilliantly so.

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?

Who makes you happiest right now?
This boy I know..

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Getting ready for bed.

Are you left handed?
I am not.

What's for dinner tonight?
We had sammiches and soup.

What are you thinking about?
Oh, you know..

When is your birthday?
August 28th.

Where is the person who has your heart at the moment?
His home.

When's the last time you said you were fine, but really weren't?
That tends to happen constantly.

Relationships or one night stands?

You have to get a facial piercing. Where do you get it?

You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?
That's against my religion.

Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?
I hate to cry.

In the past week, have you cried?
Actually, I have.

Are you friends with your exes?
Not really.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Alpacas are neat.

Are you mad at someone right now?
Whoever started that rumor ought to get a life.

Does your last ex have a job?
He's a news carrier.

Do you believe in karma?
What goes around, comes around.

Kiss on the first date?
I have..

Do you like hugs and kisses?

Have you ever drank alcohol?

Do you have a best friend?
Something like that.

Do you believe true love can conquer anything?
True love has super powers?

Do you have a fear of taking tests when you are not prepared?
I hate tests.

Does anyone completely understand you?
He understands more than I'd like him to.

Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile?

Are you feeling blue?
I'm euphoric.

What would you tell your brother if he called and told you he was in jail?
I'd laugh and ask if he were joking.

What do you eat for breakfast?
I don't.

Do you think somebody likes the same person you do?
I sincerely hope not. I'm already not worth a moment of his time. Bringing someone else into the picture is a terrible idea.

Tears are falling from your eyes; what's the reason?
I'm obviously upset.

Got anything you wanna say to someone?
I'm good.

Who was the last person who texted you?

Have you been in love?
I am.

Are you a boy or a girl?

What's the most recent movie you've seen?
I'm not even sure.

Did you like it?

Do you like waffles?
With their handy little syrup holders.

Do you sleep with the light on?
If I fall asleep with it on, yeah.

Do you bite your nails?
Ew, worms.

Does your mom tuck you in?
Sometimes, I ask her to, and usually, she says no.

Who's next to you?
No one, to my knowledge.

Could you cry right now?
I am perfectly content.

Do you know your best friend's middle name?
I don't even know who I consider to be my best friend.

Do you act differently around the person you like?
I act on impulses I wouldn't have, otherwise..

Do you like the rain?
I do enjoy it.

In the next five months, what are you looking forward to?

Say your last ex runs up to you and hugs you, what do you do?
"Ohai, SammySam. Might you need something?"

First person to text you today?
I don't think anyone has..

What if you had a baby with the last person you texted?
Haa. I don't want Sam's babies.

Have you kissed the last person you texted?

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Last time you talked to your number one?
About half an hour ago.
Less than, actually.

Do you think you'll be married in five years?
Probably not.

Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?
Trey does.

Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever?
Last night was terribly lame.
I'll pass.

Is anything bothering you?
This stupid ring..

Are you excited for next year?
Next year is going to suck.

What are your plans for tomorrow?

Is your room clean?

Do you wear eyeliner?
But of course.

Does anyone annoy you?
People generally suck, yeah.

Is life good?
For sure.

Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else?

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
Kieran's pretty rad.

Do you still talk to the person you last kissed?
He's my life.

Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
I don't really want it anymore.

Does a kiss make you feel better?
His do.

Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?

Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
When I get in.

What did you do today?
Wouldn't you like to know?

Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?

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