Friday, April 10, 2009

Survey #90

What's with you and the last person you kissed?
We happen to be happily together, thanks.

What time did you wake up this morning?
I woke up around two, and stayed up until around four. Slept from then 'til 5:30 or so, and then fell asleep 'til nearly noon.

What's on your bed?
Blankets. Sheets. Pillows.

Do you like to cuddle/​​snuggle?​​
Unless your name is Trey, I forbid you to touch me.

Who was the last person you held hands with?
See above, yesterday.

Are you excited about anything today?
I may get my Starwars virginity broken tomorrow. I think that's a fairly legit reason for excitement, no? It's been postponed for so long.

Did you cry at all today?
I had my daily breakdown when I looked in the mirror.

Are you texting anyone?
Not right now, no.

What's on your bedroom floor right now?
A lot.

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
No sir.

What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was asleep on my floor.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Ninety-nine percent of the time, yes.

Who did you last eat Chinese food with?
I do believe 'twas my family.

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Trey's tomorrow, hopefully?
Church on Sunday...I'm going to try.
Oh, and Kyle's coming home today, and the rest are coming for Easter.

Is anyone on your bad side right now?
More like I'm on theirs.

When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
I don't have a sister, and I haven't talked to Kyle in quite awhile. As for Jesse, well, we don't talk.

Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
Nobody deserves death, and Sam deserves quite the opposite.

Story behind your MySpace song?
I really like Oh, Hush!

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night, most definitely.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I keep everything inside. When I make the mistake of sharing things, it always turns out for the worst.

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
I hope not.

Do you text message a lot?
Not really, no.
Right now, I don't even have the option.

What was the reason behind why you last cried?
As if you really care.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Something like that.

What do you regret most this month?
I haven't regrets.

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
The one I told most has left me for dead, and, as much as I try to tell Trey things, I'm still scared that one day, I'll tell him too much, and his opinion will change.

Do you go to church every Sunday?
I haven't gone in ages, but I suppose I'll start again, on Easter.

What did the last text you sent to someone say?
"You should have anyway?"
Gosh, he respects my space a little *too* much.

Last girl you talked on the phone with?
Emily Louise.

Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
Quite often.

Have you ever been to Six Flags?
No, but I'm considering being a failure and purchasing Warped Tour tickets for the Buffalo venue.

Is success in your future?
One would hope doubt.

What do you think of Valentines Day?
It's a ridiculous holiday.

What's on your mind?
Oh, same old same old. Nothing of importance.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a C?
Oh, Lord. Don't remind me.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgiveness comes easily. I'm terrible at letting go of things.

What pisses you off more than anything?
I do.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Quite a few.

What would you do if the last person you kissed wanted to have a baby?
I would point to the ring I wear and tell him to feel free, but it wouldn't be mine.

What do you do when your phone rings at 3am?
Ignore it. Somebody else can answer, if they think it matters that much.

Is anything bothering you right now?
There's always something.

When did you last talk to your number one?
Three hours ago.

What’s the last thing you said out loud?
I don't recall.

Who did you sleep with last night?
My iPod and the remote?

Where did you sleep last night?
On my floor, and then on the couch.
Ha, screw traditional sleeping quarters?

Who is the last missed call on your phone?

Did you call them back?
Now why would I do that?

Are you legal to drink?
There is no law prohibiting the consumption of liquid Abby.

What’s the last text in your inbox say?
That's none of your business. Just know that it was sweet, and it may've been one of the few things that made me smile yesterday.

Are you the youngest, middle, or oldest?
I'm the youngest.

How many ringtones are on your phone?
Not many.
The ones that came with it, the free ones, and maybe one that I've actually purchased.

What are you wearing?
Cami, tank, tee shirt, skinny jeans.

What did you last eat?
I drank my mocha and smiled.

Do you want kids?
I don't know that I trust myself with children.

What's the closest black thing to you?
My keyboard is black, as is the lid to the empty mocha container.

Do you have an iPod/Zune/MP3?
By the way, both iPods and Zunes are MP3 players. Please, stop being ignorant.

Who has your heart?

Do you like pictures?
I like photography.

What’s the last beverage you consumed?

What do you currently hear right now?

How many states have you lived in?

Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
Maranna and I added an M.
"Condom parking only."
Yes, we're amazing, we know.

Have you ever been taken to the ER in an ambulance?
I was taken to the ER in my dad's car.

How many cousins total do you have?
I do believe there are seven or eight?

What were the last words you said to your Dad?
I think it was when I yelled at him during dinner last night.

What were you doing at 12 this afternoon?
Talking to Emily.

What's the last thing someone said to you?
"Too garlicy?"

Ever stolen a street sign?
I intend to, someday.

Is there anyone that you feel completes you?
He comes close.

Do you think it's possible to fall in love with somebody in just 2 weeks?
It took me how many years?
Either way, it really depends on your view of love.

Do you have a calendar hanging in your room?
Yes I do.

Do you have any friends you need to catch up with?
Sort of, but why bother?

Do you text people first or do you wait until they text you?

Is any part of you sad at all?
I'll ignore this nagging feeling.

Do you have unlimited texting?

What are you waiting for?
My death is imminent.

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