Friday, April 10, 2009

Survey #91

Is the person you like older or younger than you?
He is one month and eight days older.

Ever talked to someone that was high?

How tall is the person you like? Shorter or taller?
Taller, but only by a bit.

Did you have a dream last night?
I did.
It was rather intricate.

Last text message you sent?
Nevermind that.

Last comment you left someone?
I don't recall.
I do believe it was to Breana, about the cookies I had in my possession at that time.

Do you have a Facebook?
I do indeed.

What color is your underwear?
I do believe it's striped, and I'm far too lazy to check.

Last person you were in the car with besides your family?

Do you own a polo?
I may have one, and it's probably far too small, and I think there's a stain on it, actually.

Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl?
Perhaps slightly.

Are you excited for winter?
That's a long ways away, darlin'.

If it was free and it would work perfectly, would you get plastic surgery?
It's not my body to ruin.

Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
Not intentionally.

Have you ever been called Prince or Princess?
Mrs. Bowley was trying to make me feel special by getting me a crown for the ARTE show, however.
I told her I was fine with stick-holding.

What did you do last night?
I went to ARTE. I came home. I ate. I slept.

What do you hear right now?
The fan.

What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
My bracelet has little blue beads.

If you had to change your eye color, would you? What would it be?
If I had to, how can I have a choice?

Last time someone of the same sex hit on you?
Not often?

Last thing you wrote your name on?
Probably my schoolwork.

Does it snow where you live?
Quite a lot, actually.

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?
JC Penney.

If you could change one thing right now, what would it be?
I would be skinny and pretty.

Are you in love?
I like to think so.

When is the next time you will see your grandma?
Who knows?

Do you wear makeup every day?
Unless I'm feeling incredibly lazy and intend to just lay around all day, and even then, I usually do.

Would you go in public without looking dressed up or put together?

How is your hair right now?
Fine, thanks.

What is tomorrow?

What are you doing tomorrow?
I intend to spend the day with Trey.
Whether or not that actually happens, well, we'll see.

What are you doing Saturday?
I just told you.

Who do you sit next to in your English class?
In language arts, I sit next to Nate and Brandon.
Nate keeps me entertained quite nicely.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
I miss the innocence of it all, mostly.

Are you fluent in any language besides English?

Do you think facial piercings are trashy?
If you have too many.

Do you regret something you did yesterday?
Not really, no.

How is your hair done?
Haven't you already asked something relatively similar?

If the year consisted of only two seasons, which would you choose?
Summer and ..hmm. I'm torn between autumn and spring.
I don't think I'd choose winter.

If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?
I do believe so.

If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
Go ahead, waste your time.

Are you wearing makeup?

Why are you doing this survey?
Why not?

Who was your last missed call from?

Everyone deserves a second chance, right?
I suppose it would depend on the situation.

Do you miss someone?
You don't even know.

Do you ever stress out about what people think of you?
No, I just let it eat away at me until I become so insecure that I don't even like myself.

Do you drink coffee?
I ordered a mocha today.

Did you go to sleep smiling last night?
I was lonely.

Who has texted you this morning?

Will this Sunday be a good one?
Resurrection Sunday.

How many pillows do you sleep with?
I require one.
There are two on my bed though.

What are your initials?

What classes do you not pay attention in at all?
I try to pay attention.

Do you enjoy wearing dresses?

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