Saturday, April 4, 2009

Survey #86

Have you ever been asked out?
Indeed I have.

Where is your default picture taken?
My bedroom, I do believe.

What are you doing?
Wondering where my darling Trey is
Trying to convince myself that, as tasty as this popcorn is, I'm already far too large to eat anymore of it.

Your current relationship status?
Sorry, I'm taken.

Does your crush like you back?
It's a bit more than that..

What is your current mood?
I'm worried, lonesome.

What color bra are you wearing?
It's white.

If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
Everything happens for a reason.

What did you do today?
Nothing too nifty, until evening times, when Trey and I went out to see Thoroughly Modern Millie.
A water line broke, or something.
..It was wonderful, even if we did wet.

Ever had a near death experience?
Not that I know of.

Ever had a one night stand?
Not exactly, no.

Something you do a lot?

The song stuck in your head?
Not for the Life of Me

Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Well, Michael Jackson's is the day following mine.

When was the last time you cried?
I was near tears when I was informed of Mrs. Mattern's death.
Rest in peace, and know that you're in our prayers.

Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Oh, goodness, yes.

If you could have one super power what would it be?
X-ray vision could actually prove to be very useful..

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
It really depends on the person. Usually, it's their most distinct feature.

What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I prefer small, non-chain coffee shops, thanks.

What's your biggest secret?
I can't say I know.

Ever lie to spare someones feelings?
I have.

What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
I'm staring at this bowl of popcorn, sitting in front of me.

Do you speak any other language?
Not fluently.

Ever been kissed in the rain?
No, though I intend to find out if it really is as romantic as people claim.

What are you thinking about right now?
Oh, you know..

Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
I was more worried than upset.

How often do you pray?
Daily, usually multiple times throughout the day.

Do you act differently around the person you like?
I think I'm more comfortable around him than I am with most everyone else, and I am certainly happier, too.

Who was the last person to make you cry?
The last I truly cried was on Sunday, and that was the fault of numerous people.

Is there anybody you want to kiss?
Yes, please.

Would you rather live in Hawaii or Alaska?
I am not sharing a state with Sarah Palin, thanks.

Who did you give the finger to last?
It's not one of my common gestures.

Do you have a thing for the last person who texted you?
Oh yes, I have *fantasies* about Sydney..
Haha, NO.

What are you doing now?
Wishing I wasn't such a terrible person.

Are you excited for summer?
Not exactly, no.
I don't want this year to end.

Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger?
I have.

Are you good at giving directions?
I suppose.

If you're sleeping and someone calls you what do you say?
Usually I don't answer the telephone, unless there's a possibility that it's him.
In that case, I'd much rather talk anything else, really.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
I took a picture *of* Sarah.

What are you listening to?
The pitter-patter of keys?

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend drinks?
I'd prefer he didn't. It doesn't bother me as much when people drink socially, but when they drink their problems away? Well, in my opinion, that's another problem entirely.

How many Advils do you take at a time?
Two, usually, though it used to be more.

Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment?
I'm pretty laid back.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
See above.

Last person who shared food with you?
Mum stole some of my popcorn, so I suppose I was the one doing the sharing.

Ever kissed someone with blonde hair?
I suppose you could consider it blonde.

Do you have friends in all your classes?
They aren't particularly close friends, but they're friends nonetheless.

Do you ever get shy around the person you like?
Me? Shy?

Are you stubborn?

Last thing you put in your mouth?

Are you mean?
I prefer to think I'm not.

What are you looking forward to in the next 5 months?

Do you consider anyone to be your "second mom"?
I tell Jen more than I tell my own mother.

Have you held hands with anyone the past week?
Not in, oh, two hours?

Have you ever gone to the beach?

Have you ever had a crush on your ​brother'​s friend?
Too bad getting *anywhere* with *any* of them is completely illegal.

Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair?
I have.

Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches?
I love public speaking.

Who all is under "J" in your contacts in your cell phone?
Jason, Jen, Jenna, Jesse, Jonathan, Jora, Jordi, Justin.

Have you ever flirted with a friend's crush?

First person to text you today?
Mark, I believe.
Gosh, that boy is such a creep.

Are you flexible?
I'm not, like, hyper-extensive, but I'm decently bendy, yes.

Do you like funny people or serious people?
I prefer personalities with a mixture of both.

Any summer plans?
Summer Music School, possibly, if I hurry up and turn my application in.
Possibly Warped Tour, and possibly "Jesus camp," as Maranna refers to it as.
Other than that, I'll be lazing around, and spending as much time as possible with my love.

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