Friday, March 20, 2009

Survey #72

How did it all begin?
With a simple question.

Where did you meet?

When did you meet?
Ages ago, in elementary school.

Was it love at first sight?
Love slowly grows. 'Tis not instantaneous.

How old were you both?
When we met? Quite young.
When we got together? Thirteen.

When did you have your first kiss?
The 23th of January.

Where was your first date?
The movies.

How long until you met the parents?
I met his mum years ago.

When was it official?
January 19th.

What's your happiest memory of him?
All of them.

What's the sweetest thing he has ever done for you?
He loves me. I'd say that's pretty sweet.

Does he buy you lots of gifts?
I dislike gifts.

What's your favorite thing to do together?
I dunno about him, but I like cuddling.

When did you know you were falling in love?
I had a very different view on love when I met him.

Who said I love you first?
Aloud? He.

Is it true love?
It is.

How do you know this?
When you find love, you just know.

What's his worst habit?
He's rather insecure.

What annoys you about him?
Absolutely nothing.

Has he ever hurt you badly?
No, not physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Would he ever cheat?
I hope not. I trust him.

Has he ever cheated?
Not to my knowledge.

Do you trust him?
With all of my heart.

Best facial feature?
His eyes, his nose, his lips, every bit of him.
His ears are also quite adorable.

Favorite part of body?
His hands.

Hair color?

What does he/she smell of?
Oh, you have no idea. It's divine, just completely intoxicating.

What are they wearing when you picture them in your mind?

How do you feel when they hold you?

How do you feel when you fall asleep and wake up in their arms?
I haven't.
Not yet.

How does it feel when he touches you?
It's electrifying. And I lose control.

Does his/her touch give you goose bumps?

Does he kiss your neck?
I love kisses that aren't on the lips most of all.

Your tummy?
He hasn't.

Your forehead?
No, though he kissed my cheek Sunday.

Could you be without them?
I wouldn't know how to live.

Do you think about them constantly when you're apart?
It's unstoppable.

How long have you been together?
Two months and a day.

Can you see a future together?
A most wonderful one.

Would you like to get married?
I'm not sure I want to be married.

Have children?
Not right now.

Where can you see your relationship in a years time?

5 years time?
Still growing.

Do you know there is definitely no one better out there for you?
I couldn't imagine.

How do you know this?
-I haven't met them yet, have I? He's irreplacable.

Are you scared they might find someone better?
Sometimes. There are a lot of 'better' people out there.
I can't understand how he doesn't see it.

Is he your best friend as well as your lover?
He is.

Does he come first over everyone else in your life?
He does.

Would you die for them?
I would die.

What's the funniest thing you have ever done together?

Say something that only you two understand.
Oh gosh, it'd probably be best I didn't.

Do you have nicknames for each other?
I call him love, darling,

Does he make you laugh?
On most frequent occasions.

Do you wrestle?
I'd win. xD

Is he ticklish?

Are you?
I am.
He found that out on Sunday.

Ramen noodles.


He plays baseball, and he seems to enjoy basketball quite a bit.

Past time?
He loves his comics.


...He smells lovely.

Clothing style?
I'm not sure how to describe it.
..I do love this one maroon sweatshirt of his.

He enjoys Rush, Boston, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Journey, etc etc.

Oldschool. :]

Angel by Aerosmith.

We're going to watch Star Wars together, apparently.
I'm a shameful person, since I'm still a Star Wars virgin.

Place to hang out?
I rather enjoy his couch..

Meal to cook together?
I do hate food.

Time you saw them?
This afternoon.

Kissed them?

The last text they sent you?
My phone hasn't been working.

See them again?
Not soon enough.
Tomorrow, perhaps.

Speak to them again ?
I am at the moment.

Tell them you love them again?
Right now.

Have you ever:

Spent the night together?
We haven't.

Celebrated a holiday together?
Valentine's Day?

Met their parents?
His mum and grandmother.

Had naughty time?
Haha, what?

Made them cry?
..I'm sorry.

Done anything spontaneous together?

Is this love?
-More than love.

♥Trey Richard Loomis.

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