Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Survey #57

Have you ever felt worthless?
I don't usually feel too worthwhile.

Tell me what's on your mind:
I'm worried.

Do you take compliments well?

Does your ex hate you?

What's the last picture you received on your cell phone?
I don't usually accept picture texts.

Are you interested in anyone right now?
It's more than that.

Are you good at persuading?
Incredibly so.

Do you know anyone that drinks?
Of course I do.

How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead?
I think it's cute.

Do you find it hard to trust others?
I don't think I ever have trusted someone fully.

What's your current annoyance?

Are you keeping a secret right now?

Do you know anyone whose name starts with a Z?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I may just.

Do you know a guy named David?
When I was younger, I was afraid of a sir named David.

What makes you happy at this moment?
I have someone to call my own.
I think it's going to storm.

Does your ex have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Which one?

When is the last time you went to a mall?
It's been awhile.

Will tomorrow be better than today?
Today was pretty mediocre.

Can you live without your cell phone?
If I had to, I could.

Do you open up to a lot of people?
Not usually.

Would you ever tattoo a boy's/girl's name on you?
Probably not.
I have never understood the allure of that.
Actually, I find it quite ridiculous.

Explain your relationship status:
I'm taken, and I rather enjoy it. What is there to explain?

Will you have a valentine this year?
I did.

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
JC Penney.

Who was the last person to comment you?
Oliver the Penguin.

Who was the last person you sent a text to?

Has anyone ever told you you were beautiful?
They have.
I don't believe them.

Would you rather hang with a bunch of girls or boys?
Girls are catty.
Boys are, well, boys.

How are you feeling RIGHT now?

Last time you cried?
It was probably within the past week.

How have you felt today?

Who was the last person you shot a dirty look at?
I could guess...

Is there someone that makes you happy everytime you speak with them?
There is.

Do you want to see someone this particular moment?
I do, I do, I do.

Where is the person you want to kiss right now?
I'm assuming he's somewhere in between drum and his house.

Is there a reason for your MySpace song?
Oh, Hush is phenomenal.

Are you mad at someone right now?
I'm not angry with them, I'd just prefer if they didn't talk to me any longer.
Not if they're going to overreact like this, anyways.

Ever been told "It's not you, it's me"?
Please don't, ever.
Devouring of your testicles, via maggots *will* be assured.

Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
No, but I will be.

You just drank 15 shots, what would you be doing?
I'd probably be pretty tipsy.

Do you flip your pillow to the cold side?
When it's hot, yes.

Would you ever live with anyone on your top friends?

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