Saturday, February 21, 2009

Survey #48

What kind of shampoo do you use?
I seriously use a different kind every night.

Have you ever called the police about a serious situation?
I have not.

Do you dance in random places?

What are you thinking right now?
Trey Richard Loomis.

Have you ever dreamed that you went to school/work naked?
I think not.

Whats your banner on your cell phone say?
It doesn't.

Do you go to church?
Not so much anymore.

Ever prank called a pizza place and ordered pizza for somebody?
Uhh, noo?

Have you ever been to Jamaica?

What room are you in right now?
My kitchen.

When was the last time you hit someone?
I didn't hit you, I simply high fived your face.

What is your favorite kind of apple? The red or green ones?
I prefer the red ones.

Does your shower have doors, or curtains?

Is a glass half empty, or half full?
It's half wet.
And really, to determine whether you're thinking optimistically or not, it depends what the glass is filled with.

What is your Zodiac Sign?

Is your hair curly or straight?

When was the last time someone flirted with you?
Oh jeez, it happens often enough that I don't even notice anymore.

If you could have one thing in the whole wide world, what would it be?
Have him already.

Is your mom home right now?

What is on your bed right now?

The sun is shining, how do you react?
It makes me happy..unless it's too bright. Then, I complain.

What is your all time favorite Disney Classic?
Oh lord, just, classic Disney in general.

What song are you listening to?
I'm not.

How do you feel about your siblings?
I loves them!

What color did you last paint your fingernails?

What frightens you about falling in love?
Losing him.

Have you ever lied to a friend about something very serious?
Honestly? Probably.

The last friend you spent time with outside of school?
The people in Aladdin.

Is there anyone that you truly hate?

What song will always make you cry if you hear it on the radio?
It depends on my mood.

How many pictures of yourself do you have on Myspace?
..A lot.

Are you in love with anybody?
I am.

What does it take for you to say "I love you" to somebody?
A lot, unless I'm just kidding around.
I have to actually be in love with them otherwise, and, considering I think you only fall in love once...

Do you act differently around people than when you're alone?
I guess, in some ways.

Who was the last person to stab you in the back?
Nobody really has recently.

Are you craving anything specific at the moment?

How many people have you ever dated?
I hardly intend to count.

Do you believe that people can ever be 100% satisfied?
Not really, no.
We're greedy, conceited, vain people.

Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Because he kissed me
and I'm completely and utterly in love with him.

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
I was sleeping.

When did you last throw up?

What is your favorite place that you have traveled to?
I really like the city.

What was the weather like today?

Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
Why would you hide empty bottles?

What were you doing at 12:00 this afternoon?
I was on the phone with Emily, love.

Do you have plans tomorrow?
Call: 12:30pm
Show: 2pm
Cast Party: Afterward

What were you doing at midnight last night?

What do you look forward to most each year?
It varies.

What did you do Friday night?
A show.

Have you ever hiked up a mountain?
Define "mountain."

Are you going anywhere exciting anytime soon?
If the theatre is considered exciting...

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I'm not positive, but I have a few ideas.

Do you know anyone who's addicted to any drugs?

Have you done bad things with your parents near by?

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point that isn't around anymore?
They don't mean much to me anymore.

What if they were back in your life?
I wouldn't mind a better friendship, but I promised myself I'd never, ever take them back.
And Trey means so much more to me than they ever could.

Are you keeping a big secret right now?
Not so much.
Well, just hiding some of my feelings...
and not even from everyone.

Have you ever wanted to bottle up an emotion and save it forever?
Now, please.

What did you dream about last night?
Eating chicken.
I never remember the good dreams.

Have you ever flown on an airplane?
Only twice.

First person under "J" in your phone

Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I sincerely hope not.

Have you kissed in the rain?
No, but I think it'd be the most romantic thing in the world.

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