Thursday, January 22, 2009

Survey #32

Who Are You?

Name: Abby.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo.

Rising Sign: Libra.

Birth Year: 1995.

Birthplace: Warren.

Hometown: Warren.

Is your Hometown a small town, rural town, suburb, city, or inner-city: It hardly fits a category.

Highschool(s): I'll be going to Warren High.

Are you the eldest, middle, youngest or only child?: Youngest.

Heritage: We're from all over the place.

What Do You Look Like?

Hair Color: Light brunette/dark blonde.

Eye Color: Blue, for the most part.

Skin tone: White.

Face Shape: Fat.

Height: Quite short.

Weight: No.

Shoe size: 7-8.

What Makes You Tick?

What aspect of your personality do you like best? I am able to sympathize.

Which aspect of your personality do you like the least? I don't choose to sympathize.

What are some things about other people that annoy you? Ill-mannered. Temperamental. Ignorant. People who have nothing to care about.

What are some things about you that might annoy people? I am driven.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An artist.

What is your favorite time of day? I don't have a favorite.

Are your parents still together, never were together, or divorced? Still together/hanging by a thread.

How do you handle arguments/disagreements with other people? I go away.

Would say you are more extroverted or introverted? A bit of both.

Are you spiritual? If yes, is your spirituality influenced by organized religion? Christianity is my faith.

Name one of your physical traits that you would change if you could: Honestly? Almost everything. Except my eyes. They're quite nice.

Name one of your physical traits that you really like: My eyes.

Name something you’d like to do before you die: Everything.

If you could back in time to any point of history, where would you go and why? I'm not positive.

Have you ever experienced anything supernatural? Everybody wants to believe they've experienced "supernatural" because they can't accept that everything is just what it is.

Are you close to your family members? Not particularly.

Continued: 10:05pm

Name some things in life that you are afraid of? Failure.

What is your biggest life issue right now? It's nothing, really. Quite stupid.

What Do You Like?

Colors: Purple/Orange/Lime green/Blue/...Rainbow

Scents: Lavender. Vanilla.

TV Channels: Adult Swim. VH1. Comedy Central. Fox. MTV.

Cars: Vroom vroom.

PC Games: Eh. I find them addictive.

Snack Foods: I try not to snack.

Beverages: Water.

Game Consoles: Omigoodness. Any and all. Especially the oldschool ones.

Concerts: I love my music. I want to go to Warped this year?

Conversation Topics: Any conversation suits me.

Newspapers: Ours is fun to make fun of. Grammar is a useful thing.

Magazines: Loads. (My new subscription of Teen Vogue should be coming soon.)

Flowers: Any and all.

Radio Stations: They make me angry.

Jewelry: Tons. Chunky plastic is my favorite.

Restaurants: I try to avoid the intake of food to the best of my ability.

Clubs: =Stereotype promotion.

Websites: Internet in general.

CDs: Music=life.

Vacation spots: I want to see the world.

TV commercials: Vince pretty much makes my day.

Radio Commercials: There's a few that make me giggle...and then proceed in getting stuck in my head for days on end.

Museums: Nifty.

Stores: Clothes.

Outdoor Activities: Hooray nature!

Do You Like...

Seafood? Live.

Sushi? I'm a vegetarian.

Mexican Food? Not so much.

Italian Food? Quite possibly my favorite.

Chinese Food? Eh. Rice and chicken aren't my thing? Fortune cookies are, however.

Japanese Food? We fed ham to my dad's Japanese friend.

German Food? They have nice chocolate.

Greek Food? The Plaza is a nifty place.

Polish Food? I'm not sure what this consists of.

Mongolian Food? ...Or this.

Barbecue? NO MEAT.

Cajun Food? Spicy.

Soul Food? Like popcorn?

Vegan Food? Delicious.

Cake? Fattening joy.

Cheese? I like provolone?

Jalapenos? Hot.

Artichokes? Hearts.

Caesar Salad? Minus the chicken.

Anchovies? V

Rabbit? E

Deer? G

Bison? G

Lamb? I

Duck? E

Do You Play...

Baseball? Nope.

Softball? Nope.

Basketball? Nope.

Football? Nope.

Hockey? Nope.

Soccer? I haven't in years.

Monopoly? Occasionally.

Checkers? It's been awhile.

Chess? I haven't the required brainpower.

Scrabble? Quite well.

Trivial Pursuit? We have two or three sets, and I don't think they've ever been opened.

Poker? No sir.

Guitar? I'd kill to learn.

Flute? Nope.

Clarinet? Nope.

Piano? I'm learning. It's a slow and painful process, but I am.

Violin? I do not.

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