Friday, January 16, 2009

Survey #28

Do you have any certain religion you follow:

If someone does not follow your beliefs do you dub them a sinner:

Or are you openminded and accept anyone's beliefs:
I deal with them.

If you were able to freeze time, would you and why would you want to:
First I'd like to go back about 5 months.

What was one of the best things in your past:
I try to forget the past.

Do you collect any toys or actions figures? If so, what are they?
Collections take over my bedroom.

If you were to use a weapon, what would you choose:

If killing your enemy in self defense was the way to live, would you:

If someone gave you one million dollars, would you take it willingly:
Not quite willingly, but it wouldn't take too much convincing on their part.

Do you consider yourself to be poor, middle class, or even upper class:
I am very much your average everyday teenager. Nothing special.

What do you want to do with your life:

Do you ever fear the thoughts of death or the death of a loved one:
I try not to fear.

Have you ever heard or witnessed true telekinetic skills:
Works of the devil, man.

Do you find it to be bad luck if you step on someone's grave:

If you could dream of anything you wanted each night, what would you dream:
Anything gets old eventually.

If you could live anywhere in the world, what place would you choose:
Either New York or England.

If you could go back to school, would you:
It's a current process.

What have you done today:
School. Dance. Little Caesar's.

While doing this survey, what other things are you doing:
Speaking with Sam.

What one food can you not stand at all to eat:
Food in general makes me sick.

What food could you live off of for the remainder of your life:

Do you like to read any Marvel or DC comics:

If so, which ones do you like:
I'd rather turn them into pretty artwork and jewelry and whatnot?

Do you like Doctor Strange:
Marvel comics are good for cutting up.

Have you ever gotten mad at a random person in a theater for talking:
Usually I'm the guilty one.

If someone calls you a name, how do you react:
I try not to take it personally.

What animal do you fear the most and why is that so:
Icky ones?
Because they're icky?

Do you have a fear of any type of insects, and if so, what:
As long as they keep a safe distance away from me, I'm good.

Do you like any type of art:
All kinds.

Do you like poetry:
Very much so.

If you could meet a dead celebrity, who would it be:
So, so many, starting with Marilyn Monroe and the dead Beatles, specifically John. He's my favorite.

Okay, what about a celebrity who is still living:
This list is even longer, number one being the living Beatles.

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