Monday, January 19, 2009

Survey #30

How much older is the person you're currently interested in?
He's my age.

What was the last song you sang aloud?
Probably the Plain White T's song I was singing to Emily?

When did you last cry?
Actually, the other day.

How are you feeling?

If your boy/girlfriend were to say s/he was breaking up with you, would you let him/her or still hold on?
Considering we just got together...

If you look straight ahead past your computer screen, what do you see?
A wall.

Favorite vegetable?
I'm not positive.

Kissed someone in the past twenty-four hours?
It's been ages.

Does anything hurt on your body right now?
Oh my, I hurt all over.

Last person that commented you on Myspace?

How about Myspace message?
Either Yelena or Corie.

Ever listened to a song on repeat or does it drive you crazy?

Do you want someone to call you right now?
That would be nice.

Last person you had a deep conversation with?
Laura or Trey.

Ever had an argument with anyone on your top friends?
Well, duhh.

Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you had to wear them?
Too long.
Haha, since third grade?

Is there something you're not looking forward to?
Too much.

Do you miss someone?
I do.

Is something wrong right now?
Nothing at all.

Is iTunes currently open on your computer?
Not at the moment.

Can you play an instrument?
I wish I could play the drums or guitar.

Are you mad at someone?
Nope. Not at all.

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Nope. I have school tomorrow. Gag me.

What time is it right now?

How many top friends do you have?
I think fifteen?

Can you honestly say you listen to all kinds of music?
Not exactly.

Last sporting event you watched?
I watched a bit of football last night.

Ever had a break in a relationship?
Eh, something like that.

Is your best friend a boy or a girl?
I hate that term.

Sexual orientation?
I'm straight.

Hair/eye color?
dark blonde/light brown

What's the first thing you notice on the opposite sex?
I'm so vain, but, looks.

Do you look intimidating?
You tell me.

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