Saturday, November 8, 2008

Survey #17

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and aren't around anymore?
That's the story of my life, basically.

Are you keeping a big secret right now?
I might be.

Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes to make fun of?
A tad.
I have plenty of those, past mistakes.

Which do you prefer: art or music?
Music is art.

When's a time where you'll actually go out and buy a CD?
As much as I enjoy the whole support-the-artist bit, I don't have the time or the money when the internet beckons.

Name the last person you hugged:
I haven't a clue.

Do you support To Write Love On Her Arms?
I don't really listen to them.

Who do you think is most fun to drive with in your family?
Uh. None of them.

When you're mad, do you take your frustration out on people?
If they're the reason for my anger, then yes.

What's your morning routine for the summer?

Has anyone confessed his/her love to you recently?

Do you need a job?
Not too many hire thirteen year olds.

How has this past week been for you?
It was pretty lame.

Who was the last person you texted?
I have no idea.

Last person of the opposite sex to give you a hug?

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
I try to believe that.

First person under 'J' on your cell phone?
Jason Nellis.

Do you hate that person?
I pretend to.

Any fun plans for today?
My parents are being overprotective, much.

When was the last time something bothered you?
When is the last time something didn't bother me?

What's the most interesting thing that happened to you today?
I deleted my recycle bin.
Not emptied.
Literally made the entire bin disappear.
Thank you Vista.

Whats the most important thing in a relationship in your opinion?
Trust and honesty and compassion.

If your best friend liked your last ex or crush, what would you do?
Seeing as I don't own him...
I'd probably feel a twinge of jealousy, because she's so much prettier than I am and therefore has a better chance. Then I'd realize that boys have cooties and I'd get over it.

Last crush?
Last crush?
Or..current crush?
My heart has been all over the place lately.
I'm not sure I could answer that if I wanted to.

Are you the type that would rather stay at other peoples houses or have them at yours?
I'd rather be somewhere else.

Do you know anyone whose name starts with a Z?
Of course.

Is there a reason for your myspace song?
I like it?

I'll bet you're missing someone right now?
I'll bet you're right.

Do you still talk to your exes?
Except Chandler and Chris.
They're my favorites.

Who would you like to be friends with again?
Oh, you know..

Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?

What can always put you in a good mood?
Certain things, certain people, certain situations.

Is there anyone that you care more about than yourself?

What do you miss about your past?
People. Places. How everything was so less complex.
"Oh the days...
When "getting high" meant swinging at the playground.
The worst thing you could get from boys was cooties.
The only thing that got BROKEN were toys.
& the only thing you SMOKED were the tires on your bike.
Life was so...
But the thing I remember most was...
Wanting to grow up."

Is there something you wish you could tell someone but you can't?
I'm not sure what I would tell him if he would actually listen.

Describe what you are wearing in detail?
White tank top.
Pink and black Nirvana tee.
Zebra print belt.
Black and white checkered wristband.
Black and white striped earrings.

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Of course.

What is the last letter of your middle name?
It's an e.

Do you like funny people or serious people?
Somewhere in the middle.

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