Monday, March 15, 2010

Survey #153

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not have taste buds?
This one time, everything tasted bitter. Even hot sauce.

Do you ever wonder if the person standing next to you is a virgin or not?
Meh. This whole generation is a bunch of promiscuous dumbasses.

Would you ever go frolicking through the meadow?

Ever wonder what it was like to be stabbed?
Oh yeah, everyday. -_-

Have you played with a cardboard box?

Would you rather eat a deep fried butter stick, or deep fried Oreos?
Deep fried Oreos.

Do you ever ride those unreliable rides at summer fairs?
They're the greatest.

If you were going to die in ten minutes, what would be the last thing you said?
In all actuality, it'd be something obnoxious and inappropriate.

Who is your favorite person and why?
Eh, it varies. I tend to dislike people in general.

If you found a box of puppies on the side of the road, what would you do?
Take 'em home.

Do you still eat at McDonald's?
They have virtually nothing vegetarian.

Are you any good with kids?
I like kids so long as their mum takes them home at the end of the day.

When is the last time you rode in a limo?
To be honest, I'm not sure I have.
At Jesse's wedding, they wouldn't let me. Something about seven year olds and alcohol being bad?

Have you ever fallen out of love?

Are you an aunt/uncle?

Ever consider plastic surgery?
Jasmine says I'll be the next Michael Jackson.

Did you know anybody that has committed suicide?
Not personally.

Do you know who you are going to marry someday?
Jack White, Johnny Depp, Bo Burnham, Corey Monteith, Andy Samberg, and those dudes from American Idol.

Who do you go to most often for advice?
It used to be Sam, but now he won't talk to me, so...BylerKova?

Have you ever been kissed in the pouring rain?
Trey. It actually isn't that romantic. Just soggy.

If your favorite candy fell in a mud puddle, would you eat it?
Ew. Puddle of Mudd.

What's your opinion of gay people?
I hate them just as much as I hate the heterosexuals.
No, but seriously. I support gay rights.

What is one thing that is always found in your refrigerator?
Ultra skim milk.

What's your favorite amusement park?
I've never been to an amusement park I didn't like.

Do you want to adopt a child?
I definitely don't want to give birth.

Have you ever cut yourself while slicing an apple?
With a plastic knife, no less.

Have you ever CUT yourself?
I have better ways to deal with my issues, kthx.

Did you vote for Obama?
I'm fourteen. I did volunteer at the Obama HQ though.

Can money buy happiness?

Do you blame yourself for anything?
I guess.

Do you live at home with your parents?

Do you ever think about an ex?
On occasion.

Would you ever get back with an ex?
They wouldn't want to.

Would you have sex on the first date?
At this point in my life? No.

Is there anyone who won't leave you alone right now that you wish would?
I'm not mean enough to tell them to shoo.

Have you ever found yourself somewhere and not remembered how you got there?
Alcohol's the best.

If you're in a relationship how long have you been together?
Lololol, like five days or something.

Do you require the TV or radio on when all by yourself?
I like noise.

Do you think the woman should work or stay home?
Cook. Clean. Sex. Everyone knows that's all we're good for.

Are you a lover or a fighter?

Are there any people on your Myspace that you don't like? Who? Why?
Who gives a shit? Myspace is pathetic.

If you could buy a dog right now, what would you name it?

What's the worst thing to happen to you today?
"Memorize the first 60 digits of pi."

What cereal boxes are in your cabinet or pantry?
We have, like, 9001.

Have you walked in on someone sitting on the toilet?
Hannah! In a public bathroom!

Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe?
Maybe because he's 6'2" and huge.

Would you rather win one million dollars, or change someone's life?
Eh. I'll donate some of my million to third world countries or something.

Explain in detail exactly what you were doing four hours ago:
12:27? That'd be language arts with Maloy. I have a feeling Jason and Brandon were harassing me.

How much money did you spend today?
I made Emily buy me fruit snacks.

Are you planning any upcoming vacations?
I really want to go to OBX this summer.

If someone hit you, what would you do?
Kiss them.

Have you ever laughed at a sad scene in a movie to piss people off?
Hello, my life.

Are you allowed to dye your hair vibrant colors?
I'd rather not.

Are you addicted to pointless surveys?
Do you have to ask?

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